Sunday, May 31, 2009
Day 16 - Monday Morning Moans
I cannot wait for this weekend trip. We're going to Stara Zagora. It's one of our professor's hometowns, and she's got some BIG stuff planned for us. She isn't really telling us much, but what she has told us will be sick. Sick is a good word now a days, so don't freak out.
Well, gonna get some breakfast and then off to studying!
We're Back!!
Day 15 - Sunday in Plovdiv
I'm actually sitting outside and enjoying this cool, windy European morning. The only thing that would make this morning better would be a nice dark cup of Cafe Campesino coffee. I'm really missing my job. I was getting pretty good at it, and I hope I don't lose that touch that I had going. Maybe when I get back I'll spend some time running through he recipe book that I made . . . . who knows.
Last night I got to enjoy the sounds of jazz again, and that literally lifted my spirits. The idea of hearin European jazz fusion was wonderful. I wish I could have recorded some of it, but that would have killed my photo card memory . . . I'll never leave "home" without having the camera supplies again.
I bought a necklace yesterday, but it caused my skin to break out. I guess I still cannot wear silver jewelry without breaking out. Woke up this morning with a reddish tint to my neck, and it sucks. I really liked the necklace, but I guess I'll give it to my little nephew when I get home.
I'm actually listening to my professors talk right now, and sometimes you just forget that they are human, too. I wish they were more like this during the actual school year - but I can understand why they aren't. It's been really nice getting to know them all. By far, Dr. Martin has been one of my favorite professors here. I keep forgetting that she is actually my professor back at GSW.
This town is quite beautiful. All these houses have such beautiful Spanish roof tiles, and they are so close together. We stayed in what they call "The Old Town," and it's simply another time period. The streets were made of stone, and it would only be better if there wasn't cars that lined the streets. I honestly didn't imagine that all these cars would be here - I kinda hoped there would be some historical beautification protection thing and outlaw cars in certain areas of town - but no.
It's so cool hearing Dr. Szmedra speaking french with his wife. I'm really enjoying this Bulgarian language, and I want to do something with it. I love the idea of having an educated mind in such a foreign place. It allows you to make conversation all the while being completely ignorant of the world around you.
I've got about 30 minutes until we head back to the school, so I guess I'll go pack.
Day 14 - Saturday in Plovdiv
After this little trip, we found lunch . . . and then we all slip off and went our own ways for the day. A group of us went and explored the city, and we found the river which flows all throughout the Balkan Peninsula, some more memorial places, and some good food. Around 4:30ish, we all went back to the hotel . . . and I took a nap. Lets just say walking up mountains will make you quite tired, and I slept till 6.
At 6:30, Kevin and I went to dinner at the hotel's restaurant. Let me go ahead and warn you . . . Europe is NOT like America. The people eat dinner later, and the workers know how to entertain you while you eat. We actually were the first customers to walk in for the night, and we surprised them. Our hostess was quite lovely. She spoke very good English, and was able to communicate whenever she didn't understand a word - at which we learned a couple of expressions, as well. Dinner was simply delicious, but it was what went on after dinner that was even better. Towards the end of our meal our professors actually came in, and they were so surprised to see us there. They thought that most of the college students would go out and try to experience the American night clubs, which some have, but Kevin and I are on this study abroad for greater things.
After the professors came in, we got to exchange casual conversation with them . . . and then our desserts came out. I got the pancake (or crepe) with figs, and Kevin got the pancake (crepe) with honey - and they simply brought pure joy to the evening . . . . . and then the night really began. We actually got live music during dinner . . . two older women, one played the piano while the other play the violin! It was a complete surprise . . . and Kevin and I knew that we had finally found what we were searching for: European culture at its best!
We took about ten minutes to eat this simple desserts, and wanted more . . . not more food, but more music. So, we started to decide on ordering a bottle of wine . . . at which we asked our professors which would be a good choice, and we got just that. We ordered a wine that is actually made just a few miles outside of Plovdiv in a town called Asenovgrad . . it was the most delicious red wine ever. I didn't know that red wine could be good, but this local wine was great. It was from 2004, but tasted much older than that.
So, we started eating dinner at 6:30 and we didn't leave the restaurant till after 10:00. It was great, but then we started hearing jazz music . . . or at least I did, and I had to find it. Come to find out, it was just a building away - and then we were at a jazz club. It was great hearing jazz fusion in Europe . . . it made me feel at home again.
We stayed there for a little bit, and then Kevin wanted to go and sit at the Roman Amphitheater one last time. I'm glad we did, because we got to experience something a lot of people will never get to. Plovdiv - 11:30 p.m. - Roman Amphitheater - cold night - and just looking out over Plovdiv, thinking what it must have felt like to be in complete power for so long, only to fall.
Oh well, Plovdiv was great.
Day 13 - ride over to Plovdiv

This is Phillip II, who did something in Plovdiv - can't remember off the top of my head. I'll do an edit later once I remember, but below him actually was another amphitheater. It was neat.
After searching the "strip" we found a place to eat, and then we toured the town for about an hour or so. Kevin and I actually headed back to the dorms and passed out around 10:30 p.m.
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Day 12 - GLORY!!
I'm looking forward to this weekend . . . going to a medieval town, and that will be fun!
I'll try to blog one last time in the morning, but I'm not sure if it'll happen or not. We're leaving at 9 a.m. so who knows.
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Day 11
Today was my good friend Moses' 21st birthday. Last night as soon as it hit midnight a group of us went running through the dorm to find him - and then I tackled him - and then we sang happy birthday to him. It was hilarious, and then he said it made his day. hehe
I stayed up till about 3 a.m. studying and what not, and I'm quite glad that I did. I'm quite sure that I passed that exam. Dr. Hall said he'd probably have them graded by tomorrow, and I seriously hope so. I'm kinda worried about it - seeing as how we have just two grades for the class. Depending on what I make on this midterm, I'll have to see exactly how much I need to study for the next exam. Regardless, I'm going to study my butt off for it. I enjoy this stuff. It's stuff that goes along with other Middle Eastern history that I know, and completes some of the questions that I had about Western European culture.
As far as the day, it was really good. We all went out for dinner to celebrate Moses' birthday, and then our friend Phil brought in the cake - it was in the shape of a soccer ball!! Moses' face was priceless. . . he completely freaked out. It was great . . . he said it was definitely a memorable birthday! woohoo!
I'm kinda looking forward to tomorrow's class . . . and then this weekend!! It'll be just like last weekend . . . I leave on Friday morning - and then I'll journal about the entire trip, and when I get back on Sunday, I'll blog about Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.
That's all folks ~
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Day 10 - Tuesday
Anyways, I'm out.
Monday, May 25, 2009
Day 9 - Monday
Class was amazing today. I love how Dr. Hall's teaching his class . . . it's by far the best way to teach classes for college students. It's hard to explain, but it just works.
Kevin and I went out and got dinner together. We went to some place from the first night, and we both got something called Drunk Spaghetti. It was like some cream based sauce with white wine, garlic, and onions. I loved it. I'm definitely going to try to cook it when i get home.
Now we're all hanging out and just having a good time together. Getting off for the night.
Pictures thanks to Cassie :- )

This is me inside the Jewish Signage - and all the guys had to wear a Jewish skull cap. Not entirely sure why, but I'll ask around to find out why.

Right after the signage, we all were standing outside waiting for word on our next adventure. This is Dr. Iordanov standing to my left. He's one of the professors with us on this study abroad, and he's also native to Bulgaria. By far one of the most interesting professors I've met while at GSW.
Sofia in Color!
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Another earthquake
Bad Weather Sunday & My First Earthquake
So we got back around 2:30 p.m. and then it started to rain. Kevin and I went down to the local supermarket to get a few things, and then had to walk back in the rain. Shortly after, there was an earthquake. Yes people - an earthquake. Here's the news report.
Read it, laugh at it, and then don't panic. It seriously felt like a semi-truck was going fast down the street or something - but it wasn't. It was an actual earthquake.
The jealous driver
Another thing about the culture here, there seems to be a lot of down time during the day. It's completely accepted that working people will be out and about at random times during the day. Something that I haven't understood yet, but I'm trying.
Coffee culture
Anyway, I cannot wait to get back to Cafe Campesino and get back to my job. I really miss you guys!! - the place for Fair Trade, 100% Organic coffee. From crop to cup, it's the coffee that'll make you feel good.
It's been wonderful so far. I'm very thankful to have loving parents who trusted me enough to come over here and not be worried about my safety. I'm enjoying every moment, wishing there was some way to fully show my experiences more - but with limited computer time, and full schedules of things to do - it's kinda hard.
For the most part it was fun. We all had a busy morning with tours and walkabouts that Kevin and I actually took a two - to - three hour nap. It was funny because Leigh-Ann woke us up at 6 and said that we all were going out and then possibly going to see a movie. What was cool was that we all got to share a meal together and experience Sofia for all it's glory.
We went to this place called Happy Grill & Bar which was great. I got an Asian meal - was unlike any other Asian meal I've had before. We chilled there for about two hours and then started off to find the movie theater. What was pretty interesting was that we actually got lost!!
While we were having our adventure, we found this park and I got to experience my first break dancing show!! They were ok - but nothing like American break dancers I've seen on Youtube or the television. Another interesting experience - Phil talked to a Roma!! Roma is the more traditional name, but a Gypsy is the same thing. Very much a subculture here - but they are considered to be "the worst." I'm not entirely sure why so many cultures hate them, they've been pretty cool so far.
After this - we made our way to the movies, which was a blast. I think we all bonded - minus Eddie. He was sick and unable to go. The movies was fun, but the walk back was better. Come to find out, we actually were just 5 blocks away from the movie theater to begin with. If we would have taken just a few minutes to read a map before walking away from the restaurant, we could have saved 2 hours!! But hey, it was fun.
I'm really enjoying this language. It's completely different and exciting. I'm going to talk to my professors and see if there's any way I can continue with some language lessons when we get back. Hopefully, we'll be able to work something out.
Day 7 - still in Sofia
Today we all went out on the town somewhat on our own. We woke up around 5:45, because Kevin's allergies were kicking in, and we were up till 7 with that. We got breakfast around 8:30 to 9:30 which was a wonderful taste of home. Finally got to eat eggs and that made my morning. As my diet changes, I'm quite sure I'll maintain it when I get back to the states. All the veggies begin to really clean ya, and this organic feeling is quite nice.
After breakfast we went on another walking tour of the city - which yet again, was amazing. we went to the the local market and then went to see "the changing of the guards . . . " - it was a lot like the changing of the guards at the Unknown Tomb in Washington, D.C. [ok - so while I was writing my journal this Saturday I fell asleep for 3 hours - so forgive me].
After that we went to a few museums, where I bought some gifts & stuff for my family. I learned a new coffee drink here!! It's a mixture between our version of a machiato and a con Panna. It's a single shot of espresso and whip cream on top. They call it a Vienna and I think I'm going to take this one back to the coffee shop with me. I made one small change to it and added honey, which completely made it wonderful.
For the coffee drinkers out there, I'm still experimenting with a new drink combination called "Nuttin' Honey" - and this may become the base for that drink. It'll be a new special when I get back, so be ready to try this :- )
Also for the coffee drinkers out there - this culture is surrounded by coffee. Everyone drinks the stuff here, and they drink it by the lake full. They are definitely a coffee culture. So Tripp, - maybe you'll want to think about getting Co-Op to come here for a test run!
Ate lunch at some amazing place that treated the drinks like art. I'm quite sure I'll take that back with me. I honestly cannot wait to get back to Americus to work - I have a new found love for being a barista.
After lunch, we went back to hotel and all took naps. The rest of that day / evening will be in Sunday's journal entry.
Day 6 - Sofia
Then we walked around and then found this ancient Orthodox church. It dated back to the late Roman period. After that we walked by an open market which sold books, and I bought one called "The Bulgarian Civilisation" which I'll read sometime soon. Then we went over to a Russian Orthodox church - and then over to St. Alexandria Bulgarian Orthodox church.
After these churches, we went to the opera house expecting it to be closed - and come to find out we were there for the opening of the opera season!! We saw "The Tales of Hoffman" in French. It was so wonderfully amazing. First opera, and it was in eastern Europe!!
I'll come back in later and fill in some details! Plus, I've got 2 more days to write about, so stay tuned.
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Turkish Toilet
This Weekend
Day 5 - The Evening Thoughts
Me standing in front of our class building.
It's one of the newest buildings on campus. Kinda nice, eh?
We're on the second floor, and we're the middle window there.
Moses, Kevin, and me at dinner. This place was cheap and great.
Austin, Leigh Ann, and Eddie. aka - the other side of the table.
So, I'm sorry if the pictures messed up or whatever. I'm extremely tired to blog, but today was great. Class was kind of short, and then we just went walking. It was great!
Day 5 - Just random thoughts of the morning.
There's a lot of really awesome "Green" things that the Bulgarians do. For one thing, they use every piece of land that they can to grow vegetables. We've driven past old run-down Communist buildings to find vegetable gardens in the front and the people working it. It's something quite amazing. Also, while they use vehicles in the cities - a lot of the country folk use donkeys and carriages still!! That was something to be on a massive bus and pass a donkey and an older man on the street. . . I honestly did not know what to think of that.
Another thing I found interesting was that the people here WANT to help you . . we're trying our best to speak the language with them, and they are so understanding when we get to a part in the sentence when we honestly don't know what to say next they start using hand signals to try and help. It's very different, but so wonderfully human. It's not often that I'm left in awe at mankind, but here these people are just wonderful.

Here's a shot from Bulgarian Air. . . at any given time we were between 36,000 or 38,000 thousand feet in the air. . . but this one was taken a little closer.
I'm thinking this will give a little better experience from the skies . . . . I won't lie - I loved every moment of it. Once we got to Paris, I knew we only had about 3 hours before we reached Sofia. I was jumping for joy then!!! Once on Bulgarian Air, I got a window seat and literally looked out the window the ENTIRE time!!
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Class, The Market, and Dinner
There's a market here that's huge and green, and it's filled with local vegetables and fruit. It's wonder. I bought 1 kilo (roughly just over a pound) of cherries and a thing of bananas for like $2.50 American. I really wish American stores were like this . . . because here everything literally is sold when it's fresh. I'll try to load some pictures of how they use every avaiable piece of land to farm . . . it's so green.
Dinner we got at the local supermarket, and it was so good. We definitely are learning the language here, and the locals are loving it. Sometimes they speak a little too much and then we're lost - and so we go back to being American and show just how confused we are - - - and then the locals start using sign language or something to help us out. It's so nice here. The people are so incredibily friendly!
It's around 8:45 p.m. here, and we're all just hanging out . . . so I'm gonna go back and relax with them some more. Take care!
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Day 4 - Classes begin!

Ok, so it's the first day of classes - and to be honest I'm pretty excited about that. Something about having some order in the day will be nice. Our class starts at 2 p.m. and so Kevin and I slept till almost 9:30 (praise Jesus for 8+ hours of sleep finally!), and now we're working on getting breakfast and showers.
Last night was a lot of fun. Kevin and I went to dinner with our professors - which turned out to be a very fun evening. Normally, you wouldn't dream of being able to hang out with your professors - - - but in this situation it was. We all had a very casual conversation, ate some amazing food, and shared a lot of wonderful stories together. It's great being able to learn about your professors, and still being able to hang out with them!! By far, the two professors that are sticking out to me are Dr. Iordanov and Dr. Iordanova. They are so excited to be able to share their country with us while still teaching. It's one of those experiences that will never be forgotten -
We all ate some interesting local food, which was amazing. A salad here is nothing like an American salad. It's just fresh cucumbers, a pile of tomatoes, some fresh feta cheese, and maybe some onions. There's no salad dressings here in Bulgaria which is AMAZING! You're actually tasting the freshness of the vegetables, and you accent it with some oil and vinegar, salt and pepper and that's about it. It's truly the perfect salad which I'll definitely bring back to the States.
Well, I guess that's all for now. I've got about 4 hours till class starts - - - so, off to do homework.
Day 3 - tired
Day 3 - Rila Monastery
Also, we got a guided tour through the entire place - which just left me with this overwhelming sense of smallness. They had relics (which I found out to mean bones) from Constantine - yes, the ruler. They also had bones from other church leaders, which just shocked me knowing that these bones are still used for religious holidays.
Then, we got a tour through the museum downstairs which was amazing.
I know I'm using the word amazing a lot so I'll stop now and possibly blog more later.
Monday, May 18, 2009
Day 3 - Morning

So, Kevin and I both forgot to bring alarm clocks. . . so it made for an interesting first evening here. After going for 30+ hours without sleep, I was quite nervous that I wouldn't wake up before 6 p.m. the next day - but somehow we did.
By the way - Kevin talks in his sleep. Last night around 12:45 we all turned in and called it a night, and then we went to our rooms. Well, once there we had to have "the talk." "The talk" was about how situation with the restroom . . . in Bulgaria you cannot flush toilet paper. So, you go through the motions as normal . . but after the wipe - you have to throw the paper in a bucket that STAYS in the room.
Yes people . . . I'm being honest.
After our talk, we put away our stuff . . . and then Kevin got on into bed, and then began having a conversation with me - - - while he was asleep. It was by far one of the strangest things I've been a part of. I couldn't stop laughing at his nonsense.
After a quick shower - - got right on to sleep. Woke up around 3 a.m. to find that Kevin had woken up at the same time as me . . . we starred at one another, and said . . . "It's 3 a.m. . . . what do we do?" Kevin - "We go back to sleep." Tyler - "What if we don't wake up in time?" Kevin - "It'll be ok, we will."
So we did just that. . . and thankfully we woke up at 6:30 a.m. to the sounds of our good friend Eddie coming to save the day . . errrr, morning.
We're all just getting ready to eat breakfast, and then we'll have like 2 or 3 hours until we head to the Rila Monastery. Here's some pictures from Google - and hopefully I'll be able to load some personal pictures later tonight.

Day 1 (which became day 2 once we crossed over the Atlantic Ocean)
Arrived at the Atlanta airport at around 1:00 because I wanted to make sure I knew exactly where the terminals were and that I wouldn't be late. After getting some lunch with mom, we had about another 30 minutes to kill - so we sat around the Air France terminal and wanted. Shortly after we got there, members of my study abroad program began showing up and we all started hanging out and just getting the lay out of the area and everything. And just like that - it was 3 o'clock. All my wanting for the last 7 months finally were here, and it all weighed in. . . the bag was 40 pounds! I was legal to get my bag upon Air France without an extra fee charge - which is always a nice thing. Once I checked in my bags, I headed straight for security.
Security check was something crazy. In Atlanta, you had to take your shoes off, take out anything that would possibly set off anything - but only in Atlanta. In Paris and Bulgaria, you didn't have to do that. I think the reason why is that the Americans just like to smell people's feet. Ok --- once through all that. . . it was down hill from there.
The plane - - - - is not bad at all. Take off is actually quite fun, since it feels like a roller coaster. Airplance food is actually quite tasty!! I mean, it's no 5 star place - but it's quite good.
BUT . . . WHILE on the flight - there was a verbal fight between a French lady and an American woman. They both had to have translators to get their points across . . which I honestly could not stop laughing at.
I got no sleep what so ever on Air France. I sat next to two Germans, and they were crazy.
And then . . . 30 minutes before we landed - the two ladies got into yet another fight. I honestly wanted to throw something at them.
Once I got to Paris - - - which took 8 hours to get to from Atlanta - - - I was apart of the group that had to get on the Bulgarian Air Plane from Paris. This lay over was horrible. Nothing went right - nothing was fun - and nothing worked out the way we planned. BUT we definitely got on there, thanks be to our professors. That story has to be told . . . not written.
Once on Bulgarian Air - I finally got some sleep. All 20 minutes. That flight was almost 3 hours.
Once we got in Sofia, Bulgaria - we had to take a bus to get to the city. That ride was 2 hours or so. It was interesting. . .
The city I'm staying in is quite interesting. . . I'll take a lot of pictures, but it'll be a little while before I can load them.
Well..... that's all for day 1/2.