Sunday, May 24, 2009

The jealous driver

The drivers here are completely crazy. There will seriously be a line of cars coming in the opposite lane, and people will try to pass with just a mere second to spare. I enjoy having the freedom of the road, but DANG! Not at the cost of someone having to have a mild heart attack while going to work or something.

Another thing about the culture here, there seems to be a lot of down time during the day. It's completely accepted that working people will be out and about at random times during the day. Something that I haven't understood yet, but I'm trying.


  1. Which side of the road do you drive on? Is it like here in the United States?

  2. Yep. . . it's only in England they drive on the "wrong" side of the road. That's what they told us when we got here. We all laughed.
