Sunday, May 24, 2009


We just got back from watching a movie here in Sofia. We saw Angels and Demons with Tom Hanks - based around the book by Dan Brown - and it was entirely in ENGLISH!! No kidding. It had Bulgarian subtitles, but all of it was in English. Our professors said that it costs too much to convert movies over so they just type in subtitles. For me, I got to experience the movie for a second time. [I had a few sayings written in Bulgarian, but that'll have to wait till I figure out how to use this keyboard to write them.]

For the most part it was fun. We all had a busy morning with tours and walkabouts that Kevin and I actually took a two - to - three hour nap. It was funny because Leigh-Ann woke us up at 6 and said that we all were going out and then possibly going to see a movie. What was cool was that we all got to share a meal together and experience Sofia for all it's glory.

We went to this place called Happy Grill & Bar which was great. I got an Asian meal - was unlike any other Asian meal I've had before. We chilled there for about two hours and then started off to find the movie theater. What was pretty interesting was that we actually got lost!!

While we were having our adventure, we found this park and I got to experience my first break dancing show!! They were ok - but nothing like American break dancers I've seen on Youtube or the television. Another interesting experience - Phil talked to a Roma!! Roma is the more traditional name, but a Gypsy is the same thing. Very much a subculture here - but they are considered to be "the worst." I'm not entirely sure why so many cultures hate them, they've been pretty cool so far.

After this - we made our way to the movies, which was a blast. I think we all bonded - minus Eddie. He was sick and unable to go. The movies was fun, but the walk back was better. Come to find out, we actually were just 5 blocks away from the movie theater to begin with. If we would have taken just a few minutes to read a map before walking away from the restaurant, we could have saved 2 hours!! But hey, it was fun.

I'm really enjoying this language. It's completely different and exciting. I'm going to talk to my professors and see if there's any way I can continue with some language lessons when we get back. Hopefully, we'll be able to work something out.

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